Released TrackStudio 5.0.2

What's New

  • Added an option for hiding "Other filters" button.
  • Added ability for deleting attachments for tasks in initial state if you are submitter.
  • Extended registration templates.
  • Added a hint for task custom field value.
  • Added check for lookup scripts existence.
  • Added an option for restricting to create tasks from commentary.
  • Added an option for editing preview images size.
  • Added search for multivalues list custom field
  • Added supported protocols in properties.

What's fixed

  • Fixed font and line spacing in tinymce.
  • Fixed TrackStudio behavior, if logout-url was not specified.
  • Fixed bug with task.getUdfValue() for task custom field.
  • Fixed NPE, if task was moved with trigger without access.
  • Fixed problem with lotus-notes links.
  • Fixed NPE when calculated script working.
  • Fixed problem with incorrect display for role settings.
  • Fixed problem when TS working with multiple Mercurial repositories.
  • Fixed problem with Git and Mercurial commits pulling from remote repositories.
  • FIxed problem with task links.
  • Fixed several problems in search.
  • Fixed SCM-browser problem.
  • Fixed problem in the web-interface that didn't allow to open login page after access denied.
  • Fixed problem with e-mail import that created some tasks from one letter.
  • Fixed problem with choosing task custom field value in filtering.
  • Fixed several problems with IE.
  • Fixed access problem for moved users.
  • Fixed authorisation problem in auto-reports.
  • Fixed refresh procedure for scripts list.
  • Fixed display tasks problem when tasks had deleted simultaneously.
  • Fixed problem that occurred when deleting a task that is schedule-monitoring script.
  • Fixed custom field "String" with "HTML-view" option display in e-mail notifications.
  • Fixed bug with "Upload manager".
  • Fixed bugs with scheduled-scripts working.
  • Fixed bugs in user-tree.
  • Fixed problem with creating filters for tasks that on sight only.
  • Fixed header display bug.