Upgrade from version 4.0.x to 5.0.x

If you possess the version TrackStudio WAR:

  1. Download the latest version of TrackStudio WAR.
  2. Replace trackstudio.war by the new version.
  3. Restart TrackStudio.

For upgrading TrackStudio Standalone, you may:

  1. Download the latest version of TrackStudio SA.
  2. Stop your copy of TrackStudio.
  3. Install TrackStudio SA in another directory
  4. Copy the entire content of directories etc, except for trackstudio.adapters.properties, trackstudio.hibernate.default.properties, e-mail templates, into the analogous directory in the new version.
  5. If your are using HSQLDB: Copy all the files with base (tsdb.*) fron the old version into the new one.
  6. Copy all the files from the directory, where you have attached files from TrackStudio tasks (see the parameter trackstudio.uploadDir in the file trackstudio.properties) to the directory with the new version of TrackStudio, or change the parameter trackstudio.uploadDir, so that it pointed to the old directory.
  7. Delete the contents of the directory with indices (see the parameter trackstudio.indexDir)
  8. Start TrackStudio


  • Upgrade of minor versions does not require any changes to be made in the data base.
  • Standalone and WAR versions are completely compatible with each other and differ only in their supplied components.
  • If you are using default DBMS (HSQLDB), then the files with data base are named as tsdb.lck, tsdb.log, tsdb.properties and tsdb.script. Do not delete them.
  • Directories with indices and attached files can be stored anywhere, but they must be registered in the corresponding items in trackstudio.properties.