Integrating TrackStudio with Atlassian Crowd

Atlassian Crowd is a web-application for managing the account details of users in different applications, implementing the Single sign on mechanism.
TrackStudio supports the authorization of users through Crowd. In this article, we suppose that you already have Crowd server installed and configured, and the accounts required by you have been created in it.

Configuring the integration

  • Start Atlassian Crowd server, if it has already not been started.
    • start_crowd.bat for Windows.
    • for the systems, based on Unix.
  • Start TrackStudio Server Manager
  • In the section “Security” of TrackStudio Server Manager, on the tab Crowd indicate the address of your server OpenID

Or in the file, which is located in the folder etc of your TrackStudio instance, set

trackstudio.crowd.openid.url http://localhost:8095/openidserver/
  • Start TrackStudio
  • Open the login page of TrackStudio.
  • For the purpose of making the integration workable, in TrackStudio there must be users registered with the usernames, concurrent to the users in Crowd. At the same time password is used from the account in Crowd.
  • If you want that the user authorization was done through Crowd, then while creating the user account in TrackStudio it must also manually be created in Crowd. Otherwise, authorization will be done by TrackStudio system as per the password mentioned in the user account.